Friday, March 7, 2008

Into The Weekend...

I try hard not to tick off days until I reach the weekend because I figure I'm "wishing away" 70 percent of every week if I get caught up in that game. However, I do so look forward to my Friday evenings, Saturdays, and Sundays.

So what's on tap for this weekend?

1. Laundry: evil but ubiquitous
2. Correcting: I'd feel better about working through my last set of tests if I wasn't collecting a set of essays next week.
3. One-on-one with my youngest: my oldest is going on an adventure with Daddy to Chicago, so the "little one" (not really little, but I'm clinging to that label) and I will have some rare time alone together. I'm thinking shopping, snacking, and tickling.
4. Wilco: A friend and I are making a foolhardy trip to see my favorite band,
Wilco. I may regret the trip on Monday morning (or afternoon....or even still on Tuesday...), but I plan to thoroughly enjoy it on Sunday.

May the minutes pass slowly!

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