Friday, March 14, 2008

And so it begins...

Well, yes--the weekend. So it begins. But mostly I'm thinking of SPRING. The last two days have been in the 40s, and this rare treat has been lost on no one--especially my sweet girls. We've hauled out every ride-on toy packed away in our garage and have even gone so far as to dust off the lawn chairs. I know we have plenty of sub-zero temperatures and possibly even--gasp--snow still to come, but a bunch of girls can dream, can't we?

Something else is beginning as well... the days of my oldest being asked outside to play by neighbor kids. It was quite sweet tonight when our neighbor's 9 year old granddaughter came over to ask my daughter if she'd like to "scoot" on the parking lot. She was quite excited about the invitation, of course, although her little sister wasn't sure about the arrangement. How quickly my little girl is growing!

I'm off to a state tournament championship game tomorrow, which is always an exciting experience for a school. That means a weekend's worth of cleaning must be packed into just part of a day. Hmmmm.... we shall see how the house fares under that schedule. Prediction: not well.

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