Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Queen and Her Castle

Due to a variety of circumstances surrounding my schedule and the schedule of Dear Hubby, after 8pm this evening I will find myself at home, alone. Just me. Well, me and my sweet Shih Tzu, but she's virtually no work at all and excellent at snuggling.

So the big question becomes What do I do? Go to bed early? Stay up late (and inevitably regret it in the morning)? I have to admit, I feel the pressure. What will I do with my one chance?? Because, let's be honest, who knows when this opportunity will present itself again. Clearly some big decisions have to be made, and I foresee myself snuggled in the recliner with my laptop at the ready and the radio turned up louder than usual. (I know. I'm fantastically wild.)

But the true reward will be tomorrow morning, when the only person I have to get ready is... (wait for it...) ME. No scrambling to get two little ones dressed, to brush hair (to mad protesting, always), to pack bags for school and the sitter's house, to pack my own bags up, to scrounge for my lunch. Instead I may be able to shower without a four year old at my feet, without trying to mediate fights from behind the shower curtain, and without rushing through the entire process because there's no other choice. Yes, tomorrow morning may be my greatest reward of all.

1 comment:

britgirl said...

well good for you! I seriously cannot remember just myself ready!!! I always have the hairbrush fights {you too huh?} and the toddler in shower too. you'll have to tell me what just you is like!!!