Sunday, May 25, 2008

*slinks into blogosphere*


Good news: turns out that on April 14 I wasn't actually the worst blogger ever!

Bad news: now that it's May 25, I really am the worst blogger ever.

Shall we catch up on all that has happened in the last 6 weeks? An abbreviated version, perhaps? Let's see... birthdays (three in our little family alone not to mention three more in the extended family), birthday parties, preschool graduation, more Wilco shows (well, just one for me), scads of unpleasant work-related events, and some much-desired sunshine!

My girls are now 3 and 5, I'm those two numbers sidled up next to one another, and try as I may I cannot get my eating habits under control or my running regimine in line. So, you know--the standard.

I'm in the midst of what I consider the worst two weeks of the school year since they include a to-do list that makes my stomach churn. I can literally only focus on things that are physically in front of me so that I'm not paralyzed by the thought of the dozens of other things waiting "on deck" for my time and attention. I haven't seen the movie Click, but from what I understand, Adam Sandler's character has the ability to freeze time with a simple click of a remote. I'll take two, please.

But let's think about happier times. Hubby and I took a road trip to St. Louis, and the weather there was amazing. Sunny and in the 70s. Talk about summer fever! It even prompted me to buy new sunglasses, a new summer bag, and new sundresses for the girls. We're also planning a summer road trip to the Smokey Mountains, a part of the country I've never visited. We plan to camp but should probably research the bear population 'round those parts first. Hopefully gas won't top $5.00/gallon by that time or we may have to look at pictures of the Smokey Mountains.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay Tamala updated!!!
Hope things settle down for you soon!! Hugs!