Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I should be sleeping...

Really. I should. I should be fast asleep, but I'm giddy about having made it through Senior BBQ today. (Actually, around here we call a BBQ or cookout a "fry"--no idea where that came from, but it's so local that I never even attempt to use the term and have people understand. So technically I made it through Senior Fry, but that sounds sadistic.)

My dear hubby helped chaperone the event which was at the local state park, and it was a beautiful, sunny day. When I got home we had a nice dinner together as a family and went for a bike ride to my parents' house where they served us fresh strawberry pie. Not bad for a Wednesday.

I've been seeing a chiropractor for neck pain I've been having, and on Tuesday I had a half hour massage (part of my birthday and mother's day gifts from Rob and the girls). The massage was amazing, and I look forward to returning soon for Part Deux. As for the neck pain, I have a sneaking suspicion that summer vacation is what is going to make things better. But let's just humor the chiropractor for awhile, shall we?

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