Thursday, January 1, 2009

I DO believe in New Year's Resolutions! I do, I do, I do!

Perhaps it's not New Year's Resolutions specifically that I believe in, but I do believe in the value and beauty of a fresh start. I like the idea that, every 365 days, we have the chance for a fresh start on long-term goals. It's like rebooting. So I wanted to put my focus areas for 2009 in print, so I can always come back and remind myself of them:

1. Find my way back to great cardiovascular health. I suspect this will come through running, Tae Bo, time on the ellipticals, etc.

2. Spend more time sewing and experimenting with new patterns and ideas.

3. De-clutter our home.

Happy Fresh Start!

1 comment:

Britgirl said...

Well those are great resolutions! I hope you keep them easily and add 'take more photos of sewing creations' to your list!
love you